Saturday, August 1, 2009


Dear friends,

This past week, Alex and Devon and I went on an overnight trip to Segou, a beautiful sleepy town on the Niger river. That night at dinner, we heard some terrible news from home.

Our wonderful Soukeina, the lead community health worker who took me under her wing from my first days here, had been ill on Monday, complaining of malaria. On Tuesday morning, she was suddenly much worse; she became terribly ill, and at 5 pm she called around her family to ask for their pardon. She died only a few minutes later.

When she was 9, she spent a year in France to have a complicated heart surgery through Medecins Sans Frontiers; all we can guess is that the anemia caused by malaria caused a fatal complication with her heart condition.

To know Soukeina was to love and admire her. She was a nurse, a mother, and a beloved sister and daughter; she was spunky and razor-sharp, kind and generous, with a sassy sense of humor and the biggest heart of anyone I've known.

We caught a 4 am bus and made it back in time for the funeral, which was the morning after her death. The family comp
ound was packed with people; the dugutigi, the chief of Sikoro, led many of the benedictions.

I'm heading to her family's house now - they've welcomed me so many times. I can't imagine their grief. I've got with me the presents I was going to give Soukeina next week and a little money to help out, the next weeks will be so hard for them.

Tomorrow, Alex and I will leave for a week in Dogon country; then, we'll be back in Bamako for a week before I leave for the states.

Love from the 'ko,

xxx Hawa


  1. Colette, I'm so, so sorry to hear this news. It must have been hard to write. I'm sure you were a comfort to Soukeina's family.


  2. aw, honey! that is rough. i'm so sorry!! be brave & stay safe. and i'm sure you're such a comfort & joy to her family right now.

    missin' you!

  3. don't know what to say. so so sorry that you lost a friend and that a family lost its daughter so soon. like sophia said, i'm sure the family's glad to have you there. death sucks, but i know you'll be able to continue on strong.

    giant hugs from pvd to you and all,

  4. Dear Colette, I'm so sorry to receive the news of Soukeina's passing. I had sent a Mali quote at the start of your trip, and it seems poignant to send it again now, at the close of your trip: 'Life is like a ballet performance, danced only once.' From reading your blog over the past weeks it is clear Soukeina has danced a wonderful ballet, full of beauty, talent and grace. I'm glad you have had this opportunity in Mali to dance a small portion of the ballet with her. She sounds like an amazing woman. Sending my love and thoughts, Nan

  5. Just caught up with your blog. I've been up to my neck in renovations and 6 different tints of green paint. I was sorry to read about your friend and collegue's passing. Reading your posts from june up to now in one sitting, it sort of hits me between the eyes that this summer will surely turn into a life-changing experience for you. I'll add my own saying by Omar Khayyâm: Be happy for an instant; this instant is your life. This saying has been decorating my fridge for years now, i'm sort of getting the hang of it.
    Practice, practice!
    Love, Paule
